The debut album from Berkshire, UK based Small Town Saviours is a rollicking, infectious, energetic antidote to the whole mess that the world has got itself into, and is just what the doctor ordered for all fans of those bands where rock and punk intersect such as Green Day and The Wildhearts. Guitars chime and crunch (courtesy of Lance Skybaby and Skinny Pete) in equal measure, bass and drums (T-Bone & Carl D) bind together to form an impermeable rhythmic wall that form a solid foundation as possible for the pacy, vibrant tunes, and rat-a-tat lyrics are dispensed with verve in thirteen catchy and rousing tunes. Produced by Dave Draper (The Wildhearts / The Professionals), this album should have you pogoing and head-banging like a madman in equal measures and then, just occasionally, crying into your beer - which you'll invariably need to hand as the perfect accompaniment to this record.
The first three tracks - 'No Rats, No Snakes, No Second Takes', 'E.N.E.M.Y.' and 'The Drinking Song' are superb with 'NR,NS,NST' setting the album's stall out perfectly with its driving rock tune, chant-along chorus and quick fire vocals, 'E.N.E.M.Y,' channels the spirit of classic Motorhead with its break-neck pace and furious guitars and 'The Drinking Song' perfectly sums up the album's 'raison d'etre'; well what else are you going to do whilst listening to this album?! Elsewhere there's evidence of the band's love for classic 50s rock'n'roll (in the same way the Ramones did) with the harmony vocals and feel of 'Cry' and the intro and 'boogie touches' in 'Home Town Hero', more metallic riffing in 'Translation Invariant' and the stoner rock feel in parts of 'It's All Going To Hell' with a moody mid-song breakdown to boot, rolling riffs and melodies in tunes such as 'London Ain't Calling', 'Drama Queens' and closer 'Moving On', and even a touch of C&W with the 'what the hell has happened to my hometown' reportage of 'Wild West (Berkshire)' replete with weeping pedal steel. More varied than it first appears, it's an album that grabs your attention on track one and doesn't let go until the record is finished.
An album that kicks off 2023 in fine style, 'Small Town Saviours' will lift the spirits and put a grin on the face of anybody who hears it and should get Small Town Saviours' name out there in the rock scene. A marvellous opening gambit from a band who should have great things to come; 'watch this space'!

'Small Town Saviours' is out on the 27th January 2023 and will be available on all the major digital sites.