'Why wait to be ignited?!!!' This is quite frankly an astonishing EP from Norfolk duo Sophie and Jake who go to make up Glitchers. Six wake-up calls to the world comprising anger, protest, challenges to the establishment and motivational opinions is matched by music that sees the word 'visceral' rendered totally inadequate as a descriptor. Jake's voice howls with angst and venom on all six tracks while his guitar slices you into two with enough distortion and drive to give the most hardcore punk band a run for their money while Sophie's drums backs all this up by pounding and beating you into submission. There is no let-up in the energy and intensity while subjects covered lyrically includes time honoured ones such as climate change ('Keep Calm') and giving the Tories a good kicking ('F*** The Tories') and less obvious topics such as complacency and ego in politics ('FFFirework') and a call to their generation to put down their phones and stand up against their portrayal in the mass media ('Zombie Generation').
Just a couple of voices of dissension from over there in 'prudes corner' - the sound of a female orgasm on record really should belong solely to deplorable 80's hair metallers (and Serge Gainsbourg!) and while the sentiments are shared by millions, punk bands have been expressing their distaste for the Conservatives in conjunction with the F-Word since the early days of Maggie - a touch more eloquence required perhaps; they're still here after all! These are just nit-picking points though on an EP that wears its hearts on its sleeve and means what it says. For a band who are also trying to subvert the capitalist side of the music industry with 'guerilla gigs' and a donations system in regards to their music, live performances and merchandise, the 'Thought Crimes' EP is the perfect introduction to the ethos of this exciting duo. They are a 'true protest band where their actions match their lyrics and words'. The music's pretty bloody exciting as well!

'Thought Crimes' is released on the 12th March and should be available on digital sites along with some physical copies. Check out the Glitchers facebook site for details - @Glitchersband