It would appear that the 'Spirit Of The South' is alive and well and living in Bridgend! After gigging regularly since getting together in 2017, releasing 'The River' EP in 2020 and a number of singles last year, the South Wales gang Coyote Creed are releasing their first full-length album this month - seven tracks of Americana, country-rock and southern rock that make-up a highly enjoyable record. The band - Dave McCalden (lead singer / guitar), Jack Thomas (rhythm guitar), Kieran Groves (bass) and Cadan Saunders-Beswick (drums) - have put together an album showing off their smart playing and well-put together songs for a promising debut that will entertain greatly over its twenty-seven minute duration.
The tuneful 'Doesn't Mean A Thing' opens proceedings, a jaunty, country-ish tune with some fine cascading guitar lines and is joined in the 'pop corner' of this album later on by the eminently catchy and (dare I say) toe-tapping 'Because Of You' complete with cooing backing vocals and crisp hand-claps - an irresistible tune if ever there was one! 'Live Wire' with its funky bass line and wah-wah guitar lines gives the album a bit of a strut for two and a half minutes but its the trio of 'Ride On', with its Lynyrd Skynyrd type solos and rousing crescendos, the choppy verses and heavier choruses of 'Looking Glass' and the fast 'n' furious driving rocker 'Renegade' which gives this album its bite - three tremendous rock tunes bound to charge up a venue anywhere. The vicious slide of 'Down South' helps to bring the album to a close with a barn-burning tune - it does overstay its welcome at a little over six minutes but that's a minor quibble.
'Coyote Creed' might have benefited with a slightly punchier production, but nevertheless is a fine album with songs that grow on you with each successive play and a good mix of different styles of rock, pop and country. There's plenty here to enjoy and the band wear their influences with pride with the passion for their Southern Rock faves shining through; it's heartfelt as well as rockin'! As debut full-lengths go this is a fine start from Coyote Creed whose next album promises to be very good indeed.

'Coyote Creed' is available from the 30th June on Spotify and iTunes, and CD versions will be available from the band - contact them at